Our Cookie Policy

In order to ensure the proper functioning of our website, we sometimes place small data files on your computer, known as cookies.

What Are Cookies? Cookies are small files that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. This way, the website remembers your actions and preferences (for a certain period), so you don’t need to enter these preferences every time you visit our site or switch pages.

How We Use Cookies Some of our pages use cookies that are not strictly necessary for the website’s operation but offer features for better navigation. You can delete or block these cookies, but if you do so, some features of the website may not work as intended. These cookies are used to remember:

Additionally, if there are embedded videos on our pages, they usually use a “cookie” to gather anonymous statistical data on how you reached that specific point and which videos you visited.

Privacy Information related to cookies is not used to identify our users or gather user information. Cookies are not used for purposes other than those described in this text.

Controlling Cookies You can control and/or delete cookies whenever you want. You can delete all cookies already on your computer and configure most web browsers to prevent cookies from being placed. However, in this case, you may need to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit a website, and some services might not function properly.

Declining Cookies You can easily accept cookies on this website by making the corresponding selection, or you can decline them.